The NRA Whittington Center
The White Buffalo
NRA Whittington Center | Raton, New Mexico
Whatever you want to shoot, we have the range for you! Shooters can take part in competitive shooting, rifle and pistol silhouette, bullseye disciplines, and even black powder muzzle-loading rifles.
We have trap fields, skeet fields, sporting clays courses, archery ranges, high power rifle ranges, all kinds of .22 ranges, pistol ranges plus training for first-time shooters, law enforcement, hunters, young shooters, you name it.
People travel the world for the privilege of shooting at the NRA Whittington Center ranges.
The NRA Whittington Center hosts hundreds of competitions both open and closed to the public.
We have the widest variety of ranges you can imagine. We can host virtually any type of event you would like to create.
A static archery range and a 20 station walk-through course.
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This range is not open for use by the general public except under special circumstances. Shooting distances vary from 50 – 500 yards.
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This range is not open to the general public except under special circumstances. Maximum shooting distance is 300 yards.
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50 yard steel gong and paper target range. The perfect range for handgun enthusiasts.
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All calibers of high power rifle including Magnums are allowed on this range. No armor piercing rounds allowed. Shooting distances: 200 – 1,000 yards.
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Distances from firing line: 200 meter chicken; 300 meter pig; 385 meter turkey; 500 meter ram. Or, take aim at our famous White Buffalo at 1,025 meters!
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All pistols and calibers are allowed on this range. Distances from the firing line: 40 meter chicken; 50 meter pig; 75 meter turkey; 100 meter ram.
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All caliber pistols may be used at this range. Distances from firing line: 50 meter chicken; 100 meter pig; 150 meter turkey; 200 meter ram.
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This range is used for all informal shooting. Distances vary between 10 and 100 yards. Moveable target frames for paper targets. Falling plates can be set on target stands.
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All caliber pistols may be fired at this range. Use of this range is limited to law enforcement personnel only unless approved by Director.
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Our Shotgun Center will meet your every need, whether you’re a beginner or competitive shooter.
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Ideal for sighting in your rifle before the big hunt. Any caliber rifle or pistol is allowed on this range. All ammunition except tracer, military armor piercing or incendiary may be used. Shooting distances: 25 – 200 yards.
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Ideal for individuals or groups who only need to shoot out to 100 yards. Conveniently located right next to the Sight-In Range it can be used as an overflow range
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This range may be used for informal shooting or competition small bore shooters. This range is also for 4-H practice and military use. Military brings their own target frames. Only .22 caliber bolt action target rifles are allowed. Cartridges are limited to rimfire only. Distances from firing line: 40 meter chicken; 60 meter pig; 77 meter turkey; 100 meter ram.
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This range is not caliber restrictive, making it a perfect range for someone who has a variety of firearms to shoot.
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NRA Whittington Center’s shotgun facility is one of the largest in the country with 11 trap ranges, 4 skeet ranges, 2 five stands sporting clay range and a 12 station sporting clay range. Our Shotgun Center will meet your every need, whether you’re a beginner or competitive shooter.
All pistols and calibers are allowed on this range. No bolt action firearms or any pistol firing centerfire rifle cartridges allowed. Distances from the firing line: 40 meter chicken; 50 meter pig; 75 meter turkey; 100 meter ram.
This range is used for all informal shooting. Distances vary between 10 yards and 100 yards. Moveable target stands for paper targets. Falling plates can be set on target stands.
This range is not open to the general public except under special circumstances. Maximum shooting distance is 300 yards.
All calibers of high power rifle including Magnums are allowed on this range. No armor piercing rounds allowed. Shooting distances: 200 – 1,000 yards.
Ideal for sighting in your rifle before the big hunt. Any caliber rifle or pistol is allowed on this range. All ammunition except tracer, military armor piercing or incendiary may be used. Shooting distances: 25 – 200 yards.
Ideal for individuals or groups who only need to shoot out to 100 yards. Conveniently located right next to the Sight-In Range it can be used as an overflow range.
A static archery range great for sighting in and fine tuning at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 yard.
A new 20 station walk-through course that winds in and out of tall pines and oaks giving archers challenging life like scenarios!
Distances from firing line: 200 meter chicken; 300 meter pig; 385 meter turkey; 500 meter ram. Or, take aim at our famous White Buffalo at 1,025 meters! Absolutely no Magnum class rifle or .22 centerfire are allowed on this range. No belted Magnum or any cartridge with similar or greater power allowed. No full metal jacketed or armor piercing cartridges allowed.
All caliber pistols may be used at this range. No .22 centerfire cartridges or belted Magnum cartridges are allowed. Distances from firing line: 50 meter chicken; 100 meter pig; 150 meter turkey; 200 meter ram.
All caliber pistols may be fired at this range. No .22 centerfire cartridges or belted Magnum cartridges are allowed. Only rimfire rifle cartridges may be fired at this range (Cowboy Match). Use of this range is limited to law enforcement personnel only unless approved by Director.
This range is not open for use by the general public except under special circumstances. Shooting distances vary from 50 – 500 yards.
This range may be used for informal shooting or competition small bore shooters. This range is also for 4-H practice and military use. Military brings their own target frames. Only .22 caliber bolt action target rifles are allowed. Cartridges are limited to rimfire only. Distances from firing line: 40 meter chicken; 60 meter pig; 77 meter turkey; 100 meter ram.
This range is not caliber restrictive, making it a perfect range for someone who has a variety of firearms to shoot.
50 yard steel gong and paper target range. The perfect range for handgun enthusiasts.
Come out to challenge your skills on the range of your dreams.
Spend the day (or three) with us! Check out our meal and lodging options. You will not be disappointed.
Shooters can take part in competitive shooting, rifle and pistol silhouette, bullseye disciplines, and even black powder muzzle-loading rifles.
Come stay with us! The general public is welcome to stay at the Whittington Center. There is a broad range of housing to accommodate individuals, couples, and small to large groups.
All Whittington-U courses are taught on 360 degree ranges where dynamic movement, defensive posture and the fundamentals of pistol marksmanship are emphasized.
Call 800-494-4853 or email [email protected]
Located near beautiful Raton, New Mexico, the NRA Whittington Center is home to the nation’s premier hunting, shooting, and outdoor recreation facility. The NRA Whittington Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and relies on the generous contributions of donors who want to preserve our heritage of freedom for the next generation of shooters and hunters.
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